Case by Case

Adventures in Sewing

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Okay, so my naming is off...

This should have been adventures in blogging, instead of adventures in sewing, since putting together this little contraption has taken up more of my time than sewing is, lately. Same with Twitter, Etsy, Facebook and every other little venue I seem to get sucked into. So, if you are curious, the others are here:

Etsy: Case by Case Store
Facebook: Case by Case Fan Page
Twitter: Case by Case Tweets

And that is all I have right now, except for this blog, of course, but really it isn't about the other venues, here. It is more about the process of sewing.

Thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I started a blog!!

I know, it is no huge feat, in the age of tweets, facebooks and blackberries that don't grow from trees, but this is something I have been meaning to do for a while, now. No, it is not my first blog. I originally started with a blog about creating oil paintings, then tried later to make a commentary blog about bathroom graffiti, but neither really stuck. I stopped painting, and found that businesses are apparently better at cleaning and repainting their restrooms than in times past.

This blog is going to be about my adventures in sewing and hopefully I will learn alot along the way. I already create handbags and wallets for sale at Case by Case, but I have so much to learn about sewing, so I welcome suggestions, helpful hints and whatever you would like to toss in my general direction. Except for rotten bananas. I already have some of those in my freezer, thanks.